It's been a trying and difficult two months, grappling with a tough decision playing out in my head for months before reaching the ultimate decision to untangle myself outta whole work mess.
It was difficult because I love the freedom that came with my job. Ask my friends who can meet me anytime, anywhere for a tête-à-tête except during the weekends! Ironic huh? Too bad I couldn't handle the office politics that came all the way from Hong Kong in the form of poison emails. It's time for personal career progression anyway.
Thought I ended good and ready to start anew. Now I am not so sure again. *sigh~~*
The new job environment does not seem to sit well with me, some kinda foreboding. I am dreading going for it and I have yet to start work! Well, I just feel like I am going to step into another bigger battleground. For a start, the company is infamous for its high staff turnover and the office though situated in the shopping belt of Singapore, reeks of the 80s. I can expect alot of old farts aiming darts at my back, just for fun or just outta plain boredom. My supervisor who interviewed me TWICE, never once went through my work scope with me but instilled the word 'tolerance' in every sentence she uttered to me. It's useful and I sincerely thank her for the advice because I am famous for not giving face; and this time round, I gotta play my cards right.
Well, just as I reasoned that gritting my teeth and getting ready for compliance may be all worth it... I was stricken with a stange ailment two days ago. Sorry, I cannot reveal because my sibs read my blog I don't want them to worry for me. I am in good hands, I am strong mentally and I am still crossing my fingers.
The whole point being, I have to delay my work commencement for another week and I do not know if this will sit well with my new management. Even if I eventually recover, my level of recovery is not certain and this will definitely affects me work wise and personally.
I bought The Recruit today, for the play-it-safe buffer. It feels like a never ending cycle.
Bad karma is definitely at work.
Apologies for the hiatus though. There's just too much goin' on.